Squirro 2.2.4 - Release Notes
Released on December 17, 2015.
New Features
- Dashboard widgets can now be duplicated for faster creation of dashboards.
Allow to add a tag-line and a description to pipelets. The first sentence of the pipelet class documentation is taken as the tag-line and the rest as the description.
- The options for the result list widget are simplified and improved
- Heatmap legend is centred and flipped
- Implement related items view in the horizontal result list
- Unify text size on LineChart/Timeline y-axis titles
- Make heatmap labels active
- Improved file upload performance
- Upgrade highcharts to 4.1.9
- Theming:
- Allow styling of the border width for the horizontal result list widget
- Allow styling of the Facet Values popup of the Facets List
- Control background color of all widgets separately
Bug Fixes
Fix SmartFilter cloud overflow setting for IE9
Safari: Ensure enrichment boxes are not skewed
Correctly resize search items chart in all cases
Upgrade Instructions
These are the upgrade instructions if you upgrade from version 2.2.3. If you are upgrading from an older version (e.g. v2.1.5) please follow the upgrade instructions on Squirro 2.2.0 - Release Notes
This is not the latest version of Squirro. To upgrade to this version, please ensure that you point the squirro yum repository to version '2.2.4' and not to 'latest'.
If you are using Squirro in a Box, then there are additional steps involved. In this case, please contact support.
New index mapping
This upgrade will re-index all existing, mapping version 4 based elasticsearch indices (squirro_v4*) into new, version 5 based indices (squirro_v5*). Therefore you need to make sure that you have at least 50% free diskspace on your storagenodes.
Depending on your collection size, this re-indexing can take a long time, please be patient. After the upgrade both indices (v4 and v5) for all projects will exist, but only the v5 will be used. A future upgrade will remove all v4 base indices (if you haven't done that manually by then).
1. Upgrade Storage Nodes
If your storage node runs in the same Virtual Machine or Operating System as your cluster node, skip this step. Otherwise upgrade all storage nodes one at a time by running:
[squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo yum update
2. Upgrade Cluster Nodes
[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo yum update