Squirro 2.2.0 - Release Notes
Released on October 7, 2015.
New Features
- Full scale out cluster support with automated replication.
- Application is available as CentOS or RHEL rpm packages.
- Widgets can now be themed individually per widget type.
- Pie chart widget is shown as a donut by default. The classic view can still be configured.
- Documents can now be shared via email.
Smart Filter tags can now be edited inline in the list of Smart Filters directly.
- Facet values are searchable now. (Disabled by default, requires configuration change)
- Data can be loaded in bulk now.
- Support for Internet Explorer has improved. E.g. changing projects works now the same way as in modern browsers.
- Facet values can be formatted, for details see http://go.squirro.com/facetformat
- Style consistency is improved.
- Dashboard loading speed has been improved.
- General look and feel improvement of widgets (Animation, colors, etc.)
- Heatmap widget shows a heat-meter.
- Custom datetime fields can be selected as x-axis instead of the document creation date. This requires a datetime typed facet to work.
- Performance improvements for aggregation and dashboard queries.
- Improved caching strategies.
Bug Fixes
- Reset password functionality is back.
Upgrade Instructions
This is not the latest version of Squirro. To upgrade to this version, please ensure that you point the squirro yum repository to version '2.2.0' and not to 'latest'.
If you are using Squirro in a Box, then there are additional steps involved. In this case, please contact support.
1. Update repository links
On all servers (storage and cluster nodes), update the squirro yum repo path to use the major OS version and to point to the "latest" stable version, by running:
[squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo sed -e 's/6\.[567]/6/' -i /etc/yum.repos.d/squirro-stable.repo [squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo sed -e "s/^\(baseurl=.*\/\(\$basearch\|x86_64\)\)\/\?$/\1\/latest\//" -i /etc/yum.repos.d/squirro-stable.repo
2. Upgrade storage nodes
If your storage node runs in the same Virtual Machine or Operating System as your cluster node, skip this step. Otherwise upgrade all storage nodes one at a time by running:
[squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo yum upgrade -y [squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo reboot
3. Install new users
Release 2.2.0 reintroduces data providers and squirro services that require new users to be installed before the upgrade. If you rely on squirro-cluster-node-users as recommended, this is done by running the following on all cluster nodes:
[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo yum upgrade -y squirro-cluster-node-users
If you instead need to create the users manually, e.g. because your company policy forbids creating users from inside upgrade packages, ensure you add the following users such that /etc/passwd has the following entries:
sqbing:x:467:500:Squirro Bing Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/bing:/sbin/nologin sqdifbot:x:466:500:Squirro Diffbot Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/diffbot:/sbin/nologin sqemails:x:468:500:Squirro Email Sender Service:/var/lib/squirro/emailsender:/sbin/nologin sqfb:x:465:500:Squirro Facebook Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/facebook:/sbin/nologin sqgnip:x:464:500:Squirro Gnip Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/gnip:/sbin/nologin sqinstag:x:463:500:Squirro Instagram Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/instagram:/sbin/nologin sqmailer:x:469:500:Squirro Digest Mailer Service:/var/lib/squirro/digestmailer:/sbin/nologin sqreddit:x:462:500:Squirro Reddit Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/reddit:/sbin/nologin sqtwtr:x:461:500:Squirro Twitter Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/twitter:/sbin/nologin sqyoutub:x:460:500:Squirro YouTube Provider Service:/var/lib/squirro/youtube:/sbin/nologin [..]
You can verify that all new users have been correctly added with. If all users have been added, the script prints nothing.
[squirro@localhost clusternode01 ~] sudo su [root@localhost clusternode01 ~] for SQ_USER in sqmailer sqemails sqbing sqdifbot sqfb sqgnip sqinstag sqreddit sqtwtr sqyoutub; do grep -q $SQ_USER /etc/passwd; if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo Missing $SQ_USER; fi; done
4. Upgrade all squirro cluster nodes
Remove the following two packages no longer needed to prevent subsequent update problems.
[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo yum erase -y squirro-python-squirro.lib.cachecleansing squirro-python-squirro.service.cachecleansing
The following step upgrades cluster nodes (and if run locally storage nodes too). This step takes about 20 minutes on a reasonably good network connection.
[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo yum update -y
5. Resolve configurations
If you have previously edited configuration files manually then consult the Configuration Conflicts section for how to identify and resolve any possible conflicts.
6. Reboot
Reboot every cluster node like so:
[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo reboot
7. Start the new services
This is only necessary in single-node clusters in which monit is tasked with monitoring services.
[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo monit -g all-manual start