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The following services form part of Squirro or are built-in services that Squirro uses. They can all be controlled with the service command as shown in the previous section.

crondTask runner that executed scheduled tasks regularly.
elasticsearchMain data storage for indexed data.
monitService monitor used to automatically start services again when they are stopped.
mysqldRelational database used for storage of metadata about Squirro projects.
nginxWeb server through which all the requests for the frontend and the Squirro services are served.
redis-serverNoSQL database used for caching.
sqbulkdBulk importing of data.
sqcachecleansingdCleans the Varnish cache when data changes.
sqclusterdControls multi-cluster setup of Squirro.
See Clustering.
sqconfigurationdManages application configuration
. See Configuration Reference
sqcontentdExtracts relevant content from web pages. See Noise Removal in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqemailsenderdSends out emails on behalf of Squirro.
sqfeeddData provider for feeds. See Feed Provider in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqfileimportdUsed to import CSV data through the web interface.
sqfilteringdHandles search tagging rules. See Search Tagging in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqfingerprintdManages the fingerprints (Smart Filters).
sqfrontenddFrontend service, implementing the main web interface of Squirro.
sqpipelinedPipeline service. Manages the process of enriching and indexing data. See Data Enrichment in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqplumberdExecutes pipelets as part of the pipeline. See Pipelets in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqproviderdEndpoint for the providers to import data into the system. See
Data Connectors in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqrelatedstorydDetects near-duplicates as part of the pipeline. See Near-Duplicate Detection in the Data Loading and Processing manual.
sqschedulerdExecutes scheduled jobs that the Squirro application needs to run.
sqsourcerdFinds data sources for input criteria, such as a query or a web site URL.
sqsquirreldWeb crawler component.
sqthumblerdCalculates thumbnails for item images that are displayed in Squirro.
sqtopicdEndpoint for the Squirro API. See Working with
Squirro APIs in the API Reference.
sqtopicproxydInternal web service access to some project metadata.
squserdEndpoint for user management and authentication. See Authentication in the Reference manual.
squserproxydInternal web service access to some user data.
sqwebshotdAnalyzes web stories and identifies the most relevant image to use for visualization
.varnishCaching web proxy. Configured to sit in front of nginx