
Squirro is the perfect tool to search and find what what is relevant to you within any amount or source of unstructured data.
QlikView is well known and established in the market of Business Intelligence analysis of structured data. Bringing both worlds together
is possible via the Squirro QlikView extensions resulting in an unmatched advantage in understanding your data. 


Squirro QlikView ExtensionShort Description
Squirro iFrame Display Squirro results in your dashboard within an iFrame
Squirro App Display the Squirro standalone application and make use of its full features within your dashboard
Squirro Dropzone

Provide a drop zone within your dashboard to allow drag&drop of your text based files for instant

smart filter creation and application to your dashboard data

Squirro Search bar Provide a search bar to search inside Squirro and have the result take immediate effect on your dashboard
Squirro Dashboard Display any Squirro standalone dashboard inside your dashboard.
Note: A dashboard of the type "result list" serves very well as a substitute for the Squirro iFrame.


Download the .qar file containing all extensions from the partner portal download section <HERE - placeholder>. 

This file will always contain the latest version of all 4 extensions. If only one has changed still the whole file must be downloaded and installed. 
The installer will then automatically update all relevant files in your Qlik installation.   


A QlikView dashboard, a Squirro project (cloud version or squirro-in-a-box) and its access credentials are known and accessible for use.
For further details regarding a complete end-to-end setup please go to





Extension Details


Example documentation

QlikView "Bugzilla" LoadScript

