Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This section shows all the available options for the Data Loader and explains their usage.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents

Basic Usage

The purpose of the Data Loader tool is to extract data from different sources:  supported databases, CSV and excel files (xls and xlsx) and then upload them into Squirro.

The Data Loader is called from the command line with multiple arguments, some of which are mandatory. We will cover all command line arguments in the following chapters.


The following table lists all the arguments:








General Options


--help, -h


Show a help message and exit.




Output the tool version and exit.


--verbose, -v


Increase log verbosity.

  • Not specified: the tool outputs all warnings and errors.
  • Specified once or more: informational messages are also output.
  • Specified twice or more: debugging messages are shown.
  • Specified three times or more: in addition to the debug logging object calls are also shown.




Path to a log file on disk, where the log output is to be stored. If this is not specified, the log messages are shown on the console.


--parallel-uploaders NUMBER

Number of uploaders (default is 1).


Parallel uploading is currently unsupported in the data loader on Microsoft Windows.


--meta-db-dir PATH


Directory of the SQLite metadata database.


--meta-db-file STRING


File name of the SQLite metadata database.


Connection Options (see Connecting to Squirro for finding these values)


--token TOKEN




--cluster URL
-c URL


--project-id PROJECT_ID




The Project identifier into which to import the data.


If set, then only this many items are sent to Squirro.

This can be used to test the options on a small subset of the data to make sure the mapping, facets and pipelets all work correctly.


Do all the processing, except server-side actions (no uploads or facet configuration).


Source - Item Mapping Options


--map-title STRING


Which column is mapped to the "title" field.


--map-abstract STRING


Which column is mapped to the "summary" field.


--map-created-at STRING


Which column is mapped to the "created_at" field.


--map-id STRING


Which column is mapped to the "external_id" field.


--map-body [STRING…]


Which columns are mapped to the "body" field.


Which column is mapped to the MIME type of the body. Use --body-mime to set this to a fixed value.

The typical values in this field for this are either text/html or text/plain.


Fixed MIME type of the body. Use --map-body-mime to map to a column instead.

The typical values for this are either text/html or text/plain.


--map-url STRING


Which column is mapped to the "link" field.


--map-file-name STRING


Which column is mapped to the file-name.


--map-file-mime STRING


Which column is mapped to file mime type.


--map-file-data STRING


Which column is mapped to file contents.


--map-file-compressed STRING


Which column specifies if the file is compressed with gz. Possible values should be 'y, yes, t, true, 1', case insensitive.


--map-flag  STRING


Which column determines if the received record is an insert/update or delete. If the value is 'd' the record is deleted, otherwise is considered an insert/update


ItemUploader Options (see ItemUploader documentation for more information)


--object-id OBJECT_ID


Object identifier.


--source-id SOURCE_ID


Source identifier, defaults to the input file name.


--source-name SOURCE_NAME


Source name, defaults to the input file name.




If set, the cluster is instructed to index data in bulk.




If set, the cluster is instructed to add the summary from the body during bulk indexing.


--batch-size NUMBER


Batch size for uploads (default is auto - change value based on the size of the payload).


Item pre-processing Options


--body-template-file PATH


Jinja2 html template file with full path.


--title-template-file PATH


Jinja2 html template file with full path.


--abstract-template-file PATH


Jinja2 html template file with full path.


--pipelets-file PATH


JSON file containing the pipelets called by the db loader in execution order.


--pipelets-error-behavior STRING


Specify job behavior in case a pipelet raises an exception.

Valid values are error and warn. The default is error.


--facets-file PATH


JSON file containing facets configuration.


Source Options


--source-type STRING


Type of source to load data from.

Valid values are excel, csv, database


--source-script PATH


Path of the Data Loader Plugin Python script.


--source-batch-size NUMBER


Batch size for source unloads (default is "1000").


--incremental-column STRING


Which column will be used as incremental reference - usually for a datetime column. If missing a full load will be done.


--job-id STRING




Deletes incremental date information for the current sql query. Useful to perform an incremental load with reset.


CSV Source Options

When using a CSV file as a data source, only full load is supported. Data must have a header to determine the schema.

The command line parameters used for a CSV data source:








--csv-delimiter CHARACTER


A one-character string used to separate fields. It defaults to ','.


--csv-quotechar CHARACTER


A one-character string used to quote fields containing special characters, such as the delimiter or quotechar, or which contain new-line characters. It defaults to ‘"’.


--source-file PATH




Path of csv data file.


The following example shows a simple load from a CSV file, mapping the title, id and body of the squirro item to columns from the ‘sample.csv’ file, without using any of the additional files for facets, templating, piplets etc. All the rows will be loaded and the delimiter between fields is considered any ‘,’ (comma) found in a row. To quote fields containing special characters the double quote character ‘"’ will be used.

Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token $token ^
    --cluster $cluster ^
    --project-id $project_id ^
    --source-name csv_sample ^
    --source-file sample.csv ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --csv-delimiter , ^
    --csv-quotechar " ^
    --map-title Title ^
    --map-id ID ^
    --map-body Description 

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

This example assumes that $token, $cluster and $project_id have been declared beforehand.

Excel Source Options

When using an excel file as the data source, only full load is supported and data must have a header in order to determine the schema. If the first row of the data (after applying the boundaries, if needed) is not the header, a KeyError exception will be raised and the job will stop. In this case it’s not possible to determine the schema of the data.

The command line parameters used for an excel data source:








--excel-sheet STRING


Excel sheet name. Default: get first sheet.


--excel-boundaries NUMBER: NUMBER


Limit rows loaded from excel. Format is: start_row:rows_discarded_from_end.


--source-file PATH




Path of excel data file.


The example below shows a simple load from an excel file, mapping  only the title, id and body of the Squirro item to columns from the ‘sample.xlsx’ excel file, without using any of the additional files for facets, templating, piplets etc. The Data Loader tool will only load the ‘Products’ sheet of the file and from this sheet the rows starting at 1 up to the last 100 rows, which will not be loaded.

Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token $token ^
    --cluster $cluster ^
    --project-id $project_id ^
    --source-name excel_sample ^
    --source-file sample.xlsx ^
    --source-type excel ^
    --excel-sheet Products ^
    --excel-boundaries 1:100 ^
    --map-title Title ^
    --map-id ID ^
    --map-body Description 

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

This example assumes that $token, $cluster and $project_id have been declared beforehand.

Database Options

When loading from a database, both full and incremental load are supported, using a select query supplied as a string or in a file. The script uses uses SQLAlchemy to connect to any database.

Tested databases:

  • Postgres and all databases using the postgres driver for connection (Greenplum, Redshift etc)
  • Microsoft SQL
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
  • SQLite

The command line parameters used for a database source:








--db-connection STRING




Database connection string.


--input-file PATH


File containing the SQL code.


--input-query STRING


SQL query.

Note that the --input-file and --input-query arguments are mutually exclusive.


In the following example we are performing a simple load from the database, mapping the title, id and body of the Squirro item to columns from a database table that is interrogated in the sample.sql file. The Data Loader tool makes a full load of all the rows specified in the sample.sql file since the argument --incremental-column is not set.

Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token $token ^
    --cluster $cluster ^
    --project-id $project_id ^
    --db-connection $db_connection_string ^
    --source-name db_sample ^
    --input-file $script_dir/interaction.sql ^
    --source-type database ^
    --map-title Title ^
    --map-id ID ^
    --map-body Description 

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

This example assumes that $token, $cluster and $project_id have been declared beforehand.

User defined sources

If data needs to be extracted from other sources than the ones described above there is the option to write a custom source. To do this a new Python module must be created and has to implement the abstract base class DataSource. In this way the Data Loader can index data from other sources without modifications.


This page can now be found at Data Loader Reference on the Squirro Docs site.