Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • [Pipeline Editor] Warning messages inform the user when steps in a Section might be missing, or when steps in a Pipeline Workflow might missing some information.

  • [Pipeline Editor] Configuration options marked as passwords are not shown in plaintext on the UI anymore.

  • Allow left alignment of the compact global search.

  • [Search] libNLP: Added LemmaExpander step that keeps track of lemmatised version of relevant query terms.

  • [UI] Allow left alignment of the compact global search.

  • [libNLP] Add support for marking NLP step parameters as deprecated.

  • [libNLP] Add support for multiline parameters in the NLP steps.

  • [Search] Autocomplete first suggested facet value in the global search after hitting Tab.

  • Implement React testing.

  • Added new default templates for React widgets.

  • Tabs widget can now be used in custom widgets.

  • Change ML template classifier labels from a text input to select.

  • [Activity Tracking] Expose configuration on the Activity Tracking pipelet to dynamically enrich activity logs with specified User Data (Information is then stored in Labels within Monitoring Project).

  • [Platform] Support retrieval of facets from ES index mapping for Squirro projects that are backed by multiple indices (e.g., the Squirro Monitoring project, which currently uses 3 index_names in its locator). Entries of index_names can be actual ES indices or ES aliases.

  • Added new component preview storybook add-on.

  • Add document inline search queries to typeahead history.

  • Responsive design for reference view.

  • [Search] Increase recall by performing (additional) language specific, lemmatised search. This requires an active Query Processing Workflow that uses the Step LemmaExpander.

  • ItemsWidget will show item read time for last read items instead of item created time.

  • Clear query search after hitting ENTER in empty global search bar.

  • Any new Squirro Monitoring projects will now include a Data Ingestion dashboard. This new dashboard, in its current basic form, can be used to examine if a step failed during the execution of a pipeline.
