Released on January 5, 2016.

New Features


Bug Fixes

Deprecated functions/features


Upgrade Instructions

These are the upgrade instructions if you upgrade from version 2.2.4. If you are upgrading from an older version (e.g. v2.1.5) please follow the upgrade instructions on Squirro 2.2.0 - Release Notes

If you are using Squirro in a Box, then there are additional steps involved. In this case, please contact support.


1. Upgrade Storage Nodes

If your storage node runs in the same Virtual Machine or Operating System as your cluster node, skip this step. Otherwise upgrade all storage nodes one at a time by running:

[squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo yum update

2. Upgrade Cluster Nodes

[squirro@clusternode01 ~] sudo yum update