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Code Block
> squirro_asset --help
usage: squirro_asset [-h] [--verbose] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--version]
                     {widget,pipelet,dashboard_loader,dataloader_plugin} ...

Squirro asset management tool

positional arguments:
                        asset type help
    widget              Manage custom widgets
    pipelet             Manage custom pipelets
    dashboard_loader    Manage custom dashboard_loader
    dataloader_plugin   Manage custom dataloader_plugin

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --verbose, -v         Show additional information.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Log file on disk.
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Dataloader plugin

You can upload new or modified dataloader plugins using the upload command, for example:

Code Block
> squirro_asset dataloader_plugin upload --folder <dataloader-plugin-folder> --token <token> --cluster <cluster-url>

where <dataloader-plugin-folder> is a directory containing the following files: 

You can list all dataloader plugins using the list option

Code Block
> squirro_asset dataloader_plugin list --token <token> --cluster <cluster-url>
        "requirements_file": "requirements.txt",
        "category": "developers",
        "config_options": [
                "required": true,
                "name": "hipchat_url",
                "help": "URL of HipChat public web interface."
                "name": "hipchat_endpoint",
                "help": "Endpoint of the HipChat API (URL)"
                "required": true,
                "name": "hipchat_authtoken",
                "help": "Authentication token for HipChat API"
                "default": 3,
                "type": "int",
                "name": "hipchat_conversation_length",
                "help": "Number of days back into the past for which to fetch the message archive counting back from yesterday"
                "default": 1,
                "type": "int",
                "name": "hipchat_conversation_age",
                "help": "Number of days back into the past for which to fetch the message archive counting back from yesterday"
                "name": "hipchat_room_blacklist",
                "help": "Space-separated list of rooms to ignore"
                "default": "message",
                "name": "hipchat_mode",
                "help": "Whether to individual messages (realtime) or groups conversations (older than 1 day)"
        "hash": "d8c6ffe1-1886-11e7-a5a4-f45c89acc4cb",
        "description": "For importing data into hipchat",
        "title": "Hipchat",
        "pipelets_files": [
        "thumbnail_file": "Hipchat_Atlassian_logo.png",
        "name": "hipchat_thumbnail",
        "body_template_file": "body.j2",
        "thumbnail_b64_encoded": "+fn5/f3+AgICBgYGCgoKDg4OEhISFhYWGhoaHh4eIiIiJiYmKioqLi4uMjIyNjY2Ojo6Pj4+",
        "plugin_file": "",
        "resources": {
            "txt": [
            "py": [
            "pyc": [
            "png": [
        "title_template_file": "title.j2"

Dashboard loaders

You can upload new or modified dashboard loaders using the upload command, for example:
