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Table of Contents

squirro_assets tool

Starting with the 2.4.5 Squirro release, you You can use the squirro_asset tools to manage all the custom "code artifacts" in Squirro server systems such as Dashboard Loaders, Dashboard Widgets, or Pipelets.


Code Block
> squirro_asset --help
usage: squirro_asset [-h] [--verbose] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--version]
                     {widget,pipelet,dashboard_loader,dataloader_plugin} ...

Squirro asset management tool

positional arguments:
                        asset type help
    widget              Manage custom widgets
    pipelet             Manage custom pipelets
    dashboard_loader    Manage custom dashboard_loader
    dataloader_plugin   Manage custom dataloader_plugin

General Options:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --verbose, -v         Show additional information.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Log file on disk.
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Dataloader plugin



Note that the dataloader plugins using the deprecated method `add_args` can not be used with the self service Squirro dataloader UI. Please migrate the `add_args` method to `getArguments` method as listed on this page

You can upload new or modified dataloader plugins using the upload command, for example:


  • Dataloader plugin python file
  • A `requirements.txt` listing any external python dependencies needed for the plugin
  • A png file to be used as a logo for the dataloader plugin in the Squirro UI
  • A `dataloader_plugin.json` file containing the proper metadata for the dataloader plugin (see format below) in hjson format

Format of `dataloaderof dataloader_plugin.json` json file. Please note that the comments in the json file are only for display purposes and will not be treated as valid JSON when uploading the plugin. In the future, we intend to change the format to HJSON to ensure that the presence of comments do not break the upload of the dataloader plugin.


This file is parsed as HJSON, and can thus contain comments and trailing commas.

Code Block
    # title of the dataloader plugin to be displayed in the UI
    "title": "Hipchat",

    # descriptuondescription of the dataloader plugin to be displayed in the UI
    "description": "For importing data into hipchat",

    # Name of the plugin file
    "plugin_file": "",

    # Name of the requirements file containing the python dependencies
    "requirements_file": "requirements.txt",

    # Category under which to show this dataloader plugin, Possible options are:
    # 'web', 'socialMedia', 'import', 'developers', 'enterprise', 'businessIntelligence', 'crm', 'itsm'
    "category": "developers",

    # Name of the PNG file to be used as a thumbnail while displaying the dataloader plugin in the UI
    "thumbnail_file": "Hipchat_Atlassian_logo.png"
