Instagram Provider

The Instagram provider monitors tags on Instagram. All pictures uploaded to those tags are delivered to Squirro.

Provider nameinstagram
TypePush provider

Table of Contents


tagThe tag to search for on Instagram.

Configuration Example

This is an example configuration for monitoring Instagram for new pictures about squirro:

    "tag": "squirro"

Using the Python SDK a subscription for this could be created with the following code snippet:

client = SquirroClient(None, None, cluster='')
client.new_subscription(project_id, object_id='default', provider='instagram',
    config={'tag': 'squirro'})

Item Format

The following keywords are added to each item that the Instagram provider delivers to Squirro.

fromThe username of the person who uploaded the picture.natserella
hashtagsThe hastags attached to the picture.squirro, screenshot
placeName of the place where the picture was taken.London


The provider uses Instagram's free real-time API. But that API has an undocumented limit of maximum 40 keyword subscriptions.