Previews are used to get subscription results without creating the subscription.This preview of items can help identifying if the subscription is likely to get in relevant results.
Preview Subscription
GET https://squirro-endpoint/api/topic/v0/(string: tenant)/projects/(id: project_id)/preview
Returns a preview for a subscription.
Parameters: |
Query Parameters: |
Headers: | See Common Headers. |
Status Codes: |
See also Common Status Codes. |
Returns: | Preview results. Simplified version of the Items response. { "count": 15, "items": [ { "body": " <p>ABB and Hitachi have agreed to form a joint venture for high voltage direct current (HVDC) system solutions in Japan http://t.co/c9Y3PaU6CX</p> ", "title": "jabbar kaddem Doaim", "read": false, "created_at": "2014-12-17T14:42:57", "related_items": [], "id": "H17JVlPhSOChBEnMuw0h_g", "link": "https://twitter.com/JDoaim/status/545227655469993984", "starred": false, "abstract": "ABB and Hitachi have agreed to form a joint venture for high voltage direct current (HVDC) system solutions in Japan http://t.co/c9Y3PaU6CX" } ] } |