The Squirro Toolbox provides a number of command line utilities that are useful in working with Squirro.

Table of Contents


The Toolbox is available for Microsoft Windows and can be downloaded in the /wiki/spaces/DOWN/overview space. To install download the toolbox installer and execute it.


To run the Squirro command line tools on Windows, the Command Prompt or the Windows PowerShell must be opened first. They can both be selected from the start menu.

Hint: a quick way to reach the command prompt is to press the shortcut Win+R and then type cmd in the resulting window. Confirm that with Enter to open the command prompt.

With the PowerShell or Command Prompt open, verify that the toolbox is installed by entering the following command:

squirro_bulk_loader --version

This command runs the executable squirro_bulk_loader.exe with the argument --version. If the toolbox is correctly installed this outputs the version of the toolbox.

To get an overview of the command and what it is capable of, use the --help argument:

squirro_bulk_loader --help

This help message defines how the executable is to be used. Arguments presented in square brackets are optional, where as arguments presented without the square brackets are mandatory.

For example:

[–verbose]     :: Optional parameter
–token TOKEN   :: Mandatory parameter requiring user input

The executable will not run without all mandatory arguments supplied, displaying an error message like "squirro_bulk_loader: error: too few arguments". Arguments presented with a second word in block capitals indicates that a user input is required for that argument, in the case above, the user API token is required. An example giving that token:

squirro_bulk_loader --token "mytoken"
