Released on April 1, 2015.

New Features



Bug Fixes

Breaking Changes

The following changes may break existing integrations.

Source identifier handling

Items are now stored/queried by referencing their subscription_id instead of their source_id. This will allow Squirro to process items from a source differently per project/object and also allows users to change the source (e.g. include more search terms in a search). This has the following two breaking side-effects:

Pipelet config

Pipelets constructors take an argument called config that passes in the user's configuration. Up til now, the handling of the config from the local pipelet consume command and when running in production on the server was different. This has been streamlined to work the same in both cases.

As a result, change any code snippets as follows (changed code is on line 3):

Old codeNew code
class TestPipelet(PipeletV1):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.api_key = config['config']['api_key']

    def consume(self, item):
        # Do something with self.api_key
class TestPipelet(PipeletV1):
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.api_key = config['api_key']

    def consume(self, item):
        # Do something with self.api_key

Squirro client changes

The following methods of SquirroClient have been removed.

Other changes

Deprecated functions/features