Released on April XXX, 2016.


Bug Fixes

Fresh Installation Instructions

Please follow the regular installation steps.

Upgrade Instructions

As this version contains an update to a new major version of Elasticsearch, it is only possible to directly upgrade from a Squirro version bigger than 2.3. If you are currently running a version smaller than 2.3 please contact support. 

If you are using Squirro in a Box, then there are additional steps involved. In this case, please contact support.


Step 1: Prepare the upgrade

It is not possible to update to this version without a service interruption.

The upgrade will re-index your data, therefore you need at least 50% of the disk space available on your storage nodes.

The order of the following steps is important, do not skip any step. If a step fails, do not continue before resolving the issue.

Step 2: Stop Squirro

On each cluster node, run:

root$ monit stop sqclusterd

Step 3: Update the Elasticsearch templates

On each storage node, one after the other, run:

root$ rpm -Uvh --nodeps $(repoquery --location squirro-elasticsearch-templates)

This will update the templates and re-index all indices with the new mapping v6. This may take a while.  

Warning: Do not use yum update squirro-elasticsearch-templates as this tries to update Elasticsearch at the same time.

Step 4: Update Elasticsearch


root$ rpm -Uvh --nodeps $(repoquery --location elasticsearch)

Elasticsearch will not start as there are configuration conflicts between the two versions that need to be fixed manually:


warning: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml created as /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml.rpmnew
warning: /etc/init.d/elasticsearch created as /etc/init.d/elasticsearch.rpmnew
warning: /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch created as /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch.rpmnew
warning: /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service created as /usr/lib/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.rpmnew


Networking behaviour changed with Elasticsearch 2. In a multi-storagenode setup, make sure that the elasticsearch cluster network configuration is set up correctly. In a standard setup, adding the following to the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file should work:


network.bind_host: _site_,_local_
network.publish_host: _site_

For further help, please consult\

Remove the ES plugins as they are no longer compatible (new ones will be installed by yum update):

root$ rm -rf /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/*

And last, index the percolation queries that could not be migrated automatically (only required if the file /tmp/elasticsearch/squirro_v5_filter.out exists):

root$ curl -s -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary "@/tmp/elasticsearch/squirro_v5_filter.out"


Step 5: Update Elasticsearch plugins and all other packages

root$ yum update 

Depending on your configuration, Elasticsearch might not come up until you updated a second storage node as it requires at least two nodes to be present.
Depending on your index size, the initial start of elasticsearch service will take a while as it migrates the index internally. 

Step 6: Upgrade Cluster Nodes

On each cluster node, run:

root$ yum update
root$ yum reinstall squirro-python-squirro.api.topic

Resolve /etc/squirro/topic.ini.rpmnew


If you run Squirro in a multi-cluster-node environment you need to do the following additional steps on each cluster node:
root$ mkdir -p /mnt/gv0/widgets
root$ chown -R sqtopic:squirro /mnt/gv0/widgets
root$ sed -e 's|^custom_widgets_directory = .*|custom_widgets_directory = /mnt/gv0/widgets/|' -i /etc/squirro/topic.ini
root$ sed -i -e 's/db_endpoint_discovery = false/db_endpoint_discovery = true/' /etc/squirro/topic.ini
root$ if [[ ! -L "/var/lib/squirro/topic/widgets" && -d "/var/lib/squirro/topic/widgets" ]]; then rm -ir /var/lib/squirro/topic/widgets; fi
root$ ln -s /mnt/gv0/widgets /var/lib/squirro/topic/widgets
root$ service sqtopicd restart

Then start Squirro again:

root$ monit start sqclusterd
root$ monit start sqfrontendd