Welcome to Squirro 3.2.10, released on April 29, 2021!

We have released a bug-fix release 3.2.11 on with some critical bug fixes.

Squirro 3.2.10 is a long-term support (LTS) release and will receive updates for security issues and important bug fixes for the next two years. See the Squirro Release Process document for details on Squirro’s versioning.

These release notes cover all the new features and improvements since the previous LTS release 3.2.0. Most of these were already introduced in the intermediate releases of the 3.2.x series and have been covered in those release notes as well.

Table of Contents

New Features


The pipeline editor has been completely recreated. The new editor is more visual, and provides a much easier overview of the various pipelines in a project.

Please see Pipeline Editor for an introduction into the new editor.

AI Studio

The previously introduced Data Science Studio was renamed into AI Studio. Apart from this renaming, the AI Studio has seen significant new features and improvements to make training of classification models even easier.

We introduce a document-level classification in the AI Studio: The ground truths and the trained models, can be configured to be trained on document-level tagging besides the already existing sentence-level tagging. This enables training of models based on the whole content of a document.

The configuration of ground truth definition for sentence-level tagging has been extended with an option to define sentence splitting rules. This enables processing of content that cannot easily be split up on typical sentence structure, for example CRM call notes or certain textual news sources.

For sentence-level classifications, we now expose the user feedback in the ground truth for processing. When enabled, the end users can provide feedback on each classified sentence. This feedback can then be processed in the ground truth to add new labels for further training.

Cognitive Search - Project template

When creating a new project, the Cognitive Search and Cognitive Search+ templates are available to kick-start the creation of a new Squirro Cognitive Search project. These two templates are equivalent to Cognitive Search and Cognitive Search: Food Safety applications provided on start.squirro.com.

The Cognitive Search template includes a number of pre-configured dashboards for an advanced search experience. These allow users to follow key communities and to search all the indexed data. The project creator just needs to load the data and define the communities.

The Cognitive Search+ template even includes example data and communities already. It is a great way to start with a fully populated Squirro experience and use for learning and demoing.

Updating Squirro will update the project templates, but already created projects are not updated to reflect any changes in the template.


End users can receive regular updates of relevant content through email newsletters. These newsletters are sent based on user’s communities subscriptions and will include any new content in the subscribed communities.

The project creator can enable newsletters on their project. The newsletter template can be edited by the server administrator using a visual editor and support complex templating. And individual users can manage their newsletter subscriptions in their profile.

See Newsletters for information about how to enable and change these newsletters.

Content-based typeahead

With content-based typeahead the search suggestions provided to end users become more relevant. For this indexed documents are analyzed to extract key phrases. These phrases are then suggested to the user based on the current query. This is in addition to the previous facet value typeahead which is still available.

See Content-based Typeahead for documentation.

Translations for Dashboards

Squirro dashboards are now available in multiple languages. In addition to German, Squirro also includes French and Italian translations.

Additionally dashboards and widgets now have access to translation keys. These can be configured in the Project Translations section. In dashboards they can then be accessed using the translation syntax of $key syntax ($ followed by a defined translation key).

More documentation on this feature will follow shortly.

Single Logout

Squirro supports Single Sign-On (SSO) out-of-the-box using the SAML standard. With this release Single Logout (SLO) is now also supported. When the identity provider has SLO enabled, a user’s logout from Squirro will fully log them out on the identity provider side as well.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 / CentOS 8 packages

Squirro now provides packages for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) and the free community edition CentOS version 8.

Please be aware that CentOS 8 has been moved to end-of-life by Red Hat and will only be supported by them until the end of the year 2021. Squirro is actively monitoring the evolving landscape with new community-supported RHEL versions and will provide supported packages for at least one of those editions in the future.

Breaking and High-Impact Changes

Deprecated Functionality





AI Studio

Admin and Operations

Updated Dependencies

Bug Fixes

Breaking Changes

Intermediate releases

This lists above lists only the most important bug fixes since the previous LTS release. All the other bug fixes can be found in the intermediate release notes since 3.2.0:

Installation and Upgrading

For new installations please follow the Setup on Linux instructions.

To upgrade an existing installation, please consult the Upgrades for Squirro 3.2.0 and later guide.