This section covers installing Squirro on a supported Linux system, either Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® or its open source derivative CentOS Linux.

In addition to this installation method, Squirro also provides ready-made images for VMWare and VirtualBox, that are fully configured. See the Installation section for information on these methods.

Table of Contents

Architecture Overview

A Squirro cluster can contain anywhere from just one to dozens of servers. Adding additional servers to a Squirro cluster always serves two different needs: performance and capacity. As these needs do not necessarily scale in the same way, Squirro differentiates two different types of servers:

Storage and cluster nodes can be installed on the same server, and for a single-node setup that is the recommended approach. But if you intend to scale to more than just one server, it is recommended to only install one of the two node types on a server. That makes better use of the available performance and allows for more flexible scaling.


Initial Setup

Storage Node Installation

  1. Install package
  2. Configuration for multi-node setup

Cluster Node Installation

  1. Install package
  2. Configuration for multi-node setup