Released 15th September 2017

Introducing Squirro 2.5.1 - Birch

We're happy to release Squirro version 2.5.1, bringing you all the features we already published as a beta in Squirro 2.5.0 in a stable release, as well an two more exciting new elements; Squirro Studio and Pipeline 2.0...

New Features

A Fresh Design

The new design is finally really for production use. Since Squirro 2.5.0 we've been working hard to polish the new design to perfection; squashing bugs, fine-tuning the navigation and responding to feedback we received on the Squirro 2.5.0 beta release.

Power Tools for Business Analysts: Squirro Studio

We're excited to introduce Squirro Studio; a new channel that allows us to publish some of the best-of-breed tools we've found useful working on countless Squirro projects. Normally these tools are invoked via the command line, but Squirro Studio allows us to expose them to you directly from the Squirro UI. The tools you'll find in this release include;

...and this is just the beginning. Look out for more tools to make your development life easier in future releases.

Bigger Data: Pipeline 2.0

Internally codenamed "The Ingester", Pipeline 2.0 represents a complete overhaul of our data pipeline, based on all we've learned over the last 4 years processing massive data sets for our customers.

In this release we've provided Pipeline 2.0 as an optional alternative to older pipeline versions, to give you a chance to test and evaluate it. For more details please consult the Pipeline 2.0 documentation.

And much much more...

Make sure to read the Squirro 2.5.0 release notes, which was released as a beta in June 2017. All of this functionality is now part of the stable 2.5.1 release.


Bug Fixes

Fresh Installation Instructions

Please follow the regular installation steps, but note that these steps contain a special ElasticSearch step specifically for Installation Squirro version 2.5.1.

There is an extra step needed for a fresh installation of a storage node for version 2.5.1:

[root@localhost ~]# yum install squirro-storage-node-users
[root@localhost ~]# yum install elasticsearch
[root@localhost ~]# yum install squirro-storage-node

If in doubt, please contact support.

Upgrade Instructions

To upgrade to version 2.4.6 of Squirro, please ensure that your current version is at least version 2.4.3 or higher. This is because of squirro rpm version number changes from "0.1" to "2.4.4". If you are on a version older than 2.4.3, please contact support.

Additionally if you are using Squirro in a Box, additional steps are involved. In this case we also ask you to contact support.

From version 2.4.6

1. Upgrade Storage Nodes and Cluster Nodes collocated on the same machine/VM

CentOS 6 / RHEL 6CentOS 7

[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo monit stop all
# ensure no python process is running anymore (sudo monit summary or ps aux | grep python)
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update python27*
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update squirro-python-virtualenv
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo monit start all
# ensure all python process are running (sudo monit summary or ps aux | grep python)
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update squirro-storage-node-users
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update squirro-cluster-node-users
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update squirro-*

[root@singlenode ~] cd /lib/systemd/system
[root@singlenode ~] for service in $(ls sq*d.service); do echo "Stoping $service"; systemctl stop $service; done
# ensure no python process is running anymore (ps aux | grep python)
[root@singlenode ~] yum update python27*
[root@singlenode ~] yum update squirro-python-virtualenv
[root@singlenode ~] for service in $(ls sq*d.service); do echo "Starting $service"; systemctl start $service; done
# ensure all python process are running (ps aux | grep python)
[root@singlenode ~] yum update squirro-storage-node-users
[root@singlenode ~] yum update squirro-cluster-node-users
[root@singlenode ~] yum update squirro-*

2. Upgrade Storage Nodes (separate from Cluster Nodes)

Upgrade all storage nodes one at a time by running:

[squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo yum update squirro-storage-node-users
[squirro@storagenode01 ~] sudo yum update squirro-storage-node

3. Upgrade Cluster Nodes (separate from Storage Nodes)

CentOS 6 / RHEL 6CentOS 7

[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo monit stop all
# ensure no python process is running anymore (sudo monit summary or ps aux | grep python)
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update python27*
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update squirro-python-virtualenv
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo monit start all
# ensure all python process are running (sudo monit summary or ps aux | grep python)
[squirro@singlenode ~] sudo yum update squirro-*

[root@singlenode ~] cd /lib/systemd/system
[root@singlenode ~] for service in $(ls sq*d.service); do echo "Stoping $service"; systemctl stop $service; done
# ensure no python process is running anymore (ps aux | grep python)
[root@singlenode ~] yum update python27*
[root@singlenode ~] yum update squirro-python-virtualenv
[root@singlenode ~] for service in $(ls sq*d.service); do echo "Starting $service"; systemctl start $service; done
# ensure all python process are running (ps aux | grep python)
[root@singlenode ~] yum update squirro-*

Also make sure that all cluster nodes can talk to each other on port 6380 (the port used for the new Redis cache since 2.4.6).