Squirro spaces are created to improve project workflow based on the division of roles of the users. To make it easier to find the features you need, we’ve organised features into three spaces:  Dashboards, Setup, and Server. The first space – Dashboards – is where the end users consume the dashboards shared with them . The second space – Setup – allows the project admins and the project members to set up the project, i.e., guide them all the way from loading the data, analyzing it to creating dashboards. The third space – Server – allows the system admins to administer the Squirro instance and manage which users and groups get access to which projects. 

The spaces can be accessed by the app icon placed in the top right section of the application bar. 
View interaction GIF

Space: Dashboards

After logging into Squirro, all users land into the Dashboard space. A user with role 'Reader' does not has access to other spaces.When the dashboard tabs overflow the browser width, the tabs become scrollable. They can be scrolled either by clicking on the left arrow (<) or the right arrow (>) placed on the navigation bar.
Read more on dashboarding here: Dashboarding

Space: Setup

The project setup workflow simulates a shopping cart experience where the project members gather the data, analyse it and act on it.  The tabs are in the sequence:

Space: Server

In the server space, the server admins can have control over all server related settings. For now, a server admin can have an overview of all the users added to the server. They can also cluster users into groups so as to add users in bulk to the project.