Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.































This page shows a number of examples for using the Data Loader.

For a full reference documentation please see Data Loader Reference. For a step-by-step tutorial, please refer to the Data Loader Tutorial.


Office Excel



The following sample CSV file is used to highlight the Squirro Data Loader capabilities for loading a CSV file. The file contains a single header row and three data rows. The sample file uses the following formatting options:


Code Block
100AAA,Tesla,Phone Call,2015-4-23T00:00:00,note1,Joe Average;Jane Houseowner;Elon Musk,3,jdoe;jhouseowner;emusk,4/23/2015 16:58
102BBB,PayPal,Meeting,2015-4-24T00:00:00,note2,Joe Average; Elon Musk,2,jdoe;emusk,4/24/2015 16:58
105CCC,Tesla,Meeting,2015-4-25T00:00:00,note3,Joe Average; Jane Houseowner,2,jdoe;jhouseowner,4/25/2015 16:58



The following database sample inserts are used to highlight the capabilities of the Data Loader regarding the load from a database table. The example below is for an SQL Server database.


Some (or all) of the source columns can be mapped to the Squirro item fields using the command line arguments. In order for items to be loaded into Squirro, either title or body needs to be specified, all the other fields are optional. Also the --map-flag and --map-id parameters are mutually exclusive.

Field Name






Item title.




Item summary.

“Phone call”



Item creation date and time (see Date and Time).




External item identifier. Maximum length is 256 characters.




HTML markup with full representation of the item content.




URL which points to the item origin.




LOB file name




LOB file mime type






file_ compressed








*It is mandatory that at least one of the title or body fields is mapped.


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name mapping ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --map-id InteractionID ^
    --map-abstract Notes ^
    --map-body InteractionType InternalAttendees NoAtendees ^
    --map-created-at Date ^
    --source-file interaction.csv

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Simple usage and flow control


Code Block
titleSQL Example
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --db-connection %db_connection% ^
    --source-name db_source ^
    --source-type database ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --input-file interaction.sql

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Code Block
titleinteraction.sql (used for SQL example)
FROM Interaction_test
WHERE InteractionSubject = 'Tesla'


In Squirro, in the Data tab, you can see the result of the loads from the three different sources:


Database reset and incremental-column arguments


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --db-connection %db_connection% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name db_source ^
    --source-type database ^
    --incremental-column Date ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --input-file interaction.sql

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Another row was inserted in the meantime:


When re-executing incremental load, we should only have one row loaded into Squirro, the row that was just inserted in the database. 

When using the --reset argument (together with the --incremental-column) the --incremental-column argument will be ignored and a full load will be performed, thus all three rows will be loaded:

Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --db-connection %db_connection% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name db_source ^
    --source-type database ^
    --incremental-column Date ^
    --reset ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --input-file interaction.sql

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

ItemUploader arguments: object-id, source-id, source-name, bulk-index, bulk-index-add-summary-from-body, batch-size


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --object-id 3rd8UDYpQwS8vvFoT3JVWA ^
    --source-id yYPR8DA1SPyhTbEXIH0HYw ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --source-file interaction.csv

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Usage for bulk-index, bulk-index-add-summary-from-body, batch-size


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name bulk_indexing_source ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --bulk-index ^
    --bulk-index-add-summary-from-body ^
    --batch-size 70 ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --map-body Notes ^
    --source-file interaction.csv

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Parallel executors and source batch size arguments: parallel-uploaders, source-batch-size


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name csv_source ^
    --parallel-uploaders 5 ^
    --source-batch-size 50 ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --source-file interaction.csv 

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Metadata database related arguments


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name csv_source ^
    --meta-db-dir %meta_dir% ^
    --meta-db-file %meta_file% ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --source-file interaction.csv

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.


In this chapter we will describe the use and functionality of the facets configuration file. The facets/keywords are used for filtering data in Squirro.


  • default_value
  • data_type
  • input_format_string
  • output_format_string
  • delimiter

Attribute used for skipping columns: 


You can find more information on these attributes in the Data Loader Facet Config Reference.

Below is a basic example for the facets configuration file and the mapping between the source field and the facet names. We will add attributes to the file as we describe more and more functionality. The “name” attribute is the one that identifies a facet in Squirro and not the key of each facet dictionary, unless the “name” attribute is missing and then the facet is identified by the dictionary key. The key of each facet dictionary is in fact the field name from the data source.


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name csv_interactions ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --source-file interaction.csv ^
    --facets-file config/sample_facets.json

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

You can find the loaded facets in the Data >> Facets tab. You can see below the Facets tab before loading and after:



You can also see the new facets in the Search tab. Notice that the name of the selected facet is ‘Subject’ - the “display_name” attribute of the facet - coming from the "InteractionSubject" field in the data source which is the key of the facet dictionary.  And the 2 distinct values of the subject field are shown:  ‘Tesla’ and ‘PayPal’.


Data formatting

You may have noticed the formatting on the datetime data type with the "input_format_string" but there is even more formatting. The attributes attribute "input_format_string" and "output_format_string" are  is applied to the data loaded into Squirro, more precisely to the date/datetime data types and the "format_instr" is applied on facet values in Squirro.

  • input_format_string:  is the format of the date/datetime strings coming from the source (used for csv and excel, the date values coming from the database are of type datetime and don’t need a format).output_format_string: is the format of dates expected by Squirro. Keep the default if this param is not supplied. For the moment, the only accepted format is the Squirro date format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'and excel, the date values coming from the database are of type datetime and don’t need a format).
  • format_instr: this is the formatting instruction for the facet value display. This parameter defines how the Squirro UI will display the value. This is also relevant for int and float data types. It’s also documented here.


Code Block
    "Date": {
        "name": "Date of creation",
        "data_type": "datetime",
        "input_format_string": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",
        "output_format_string": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",
        "format_instr": "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "visible": true

Note that the "input_format_string" and "output_format_string" should should have a Python date format and "format_instr" is just generic date formatting.


From the Jinja templates, we have access to the source data using 3 variables:

Variable NameTypeDescription
rowPython dictionary

Data as extracted from the source on format {key, value} key is the column name and value is the value of the key on one row

Example accessing the value of a column:

Code Block
itemPython dictionary

State of the Squirro item after applying the mapping, data conversions and before pipelets.

Example accessing a facet from the item:

Code Block
pivot_dataPython dictionary

Computed pivot data:

If 2 tables are joined on a relation of 1 to n, the n rows are pivoted to generate only one line on the source.

The pivot logic on the Data Loader recreates the rows from the joined table to use them in the Jinja template.

The source extraction logic can be very complex and multiple joins with pivoted columns can be used. In order to differentiate columns from different the joins,

the tool uses groups. if 2 columns are from the same group, it means that they were selected from the same joined table.


Source tables joined on InteractionID column:

100AAA note1 Joe Average
100AAA note11 Jane Houseowner
100AAA note12 Elon Musk
102BBB note2 Joe Average
102BBB note21 Elon Musk
Result is:
Code Block
100AAA,Tesla,note1;note11;note12,Joe Average;Jane Houseowner;Elon Musk
102BBB,PayPal,note2;note21,Joe Average;Elon Musk

Data Loader pivot_data for the first line is:

Code Block
{"group name": 
		{"Notes": "note1", "InternalAttendees": "Joe Average"},
	    {"Notes": "note11", "InternalAttendees": "Jane Houseowner"},
    	{"Notes": "note12", "InternalAttendees": "Elon Musk"}

The pivot columns are described using the facets configuration file. The attributes describing a column as pivotal are:

  • pivotal_group: the name of the group
  • delimiter: usually the pivot columns must be split (we covered this attribute in the section Columns containing separators)

Example of usage in the template html file:

Code Block
    {% for line in pivot_data["group name"] %} 
    {% endfor %}

For this example we will use the CSV file again and we will format the body of the item using the --body-template-file argument.

Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name csv_interactions ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --source-file interaction.csv ^
    --facets-file config/sample_facets.json ^
    --body-template-file template/template_body_interaction.html

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

Note: the name that we use for the facet in the “name” attribute in the facets config file has to be identical with the name from item.keywords tag in the template file


In Squirro, the items with pivoted columns will look like this:



This data loader has the ability to run multiple pipelets before or after the templating step. The pipelets are external Python classes that are able to modify the Squirro item. The pipelets are instantiated once for each parallel process, but the code inside is executed once for each item (it is not recommended to open files in the consume method of the pipelet, you have to do it in init()).

The pipelets location, input arguments and execution order is described in a json file supplied as an argument for the loader script --pipelets-file. You can find more information on the attributes used in this file in the Data Loader Facet Config Reference. Also, the --pipelets-error-behavior specifies the jobs behaviour in case a pipelet rises an exception. By default is “error”. In case of error, the load will stop. The other option is "warning", which will only log the warning and continue the load. 

Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --source-name csv_interactions ^
    --source-type csv ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --source-file interaction.csv ^
    --facets-file config/sample_facets.json ^
    --body-template-file template/template_body_interaction.html ^
    --pipelets-error-behavior error ^
    --pipelets-file config/sample_pipelets.json

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

We will use the following pipelets config file:


  The result of our simple pipelet is shown below:



Complex job setup

You can find below a more complex example of a database load along with the configuration files, the template file, the python module and the command line parameters.


Code Block
squirro_data_load -v ^
    --token %token% ^
    --cluster %cluster% ^
    --project-id %project_id% ^
    --db-connection %db_connection% ^
    --log-file log.txt ^
    --parallel-uploaders 2 ^
    --source-name db_interactions ^
    --input-file interaction.sql ^
    --source-type database ^
    --source-batch-size 500 ^
    --incremental-column DateModifiedOn ^
    --map-title InteractionSubject ^
    --map-id InteractionId ^
    --map-created-at DateModifiedOn ^
    --map-abstract InteractionType ^
    --facets-file config/sample_facets.json ^
    --body-template-file template/template_body_interaction.html ^
    --pipelets-error-behavior error ^
    --pipelets-file config/sample_pipelets.json ^
    --meta-db-dir meta ^
    --meta-db-file meta_interactions.db

Note that the lines have been wrapped with the circumflex (^) at the end of each line. On Mac and Linux you will need to use backslash (\) instead.

The contents of the interactions.sql:


Code Block
    "InteractionSubject": {
        "name": "Interaction Subject",
        "display_name": "Subject",
        "group_name": "Interactions",
        "visible": true,
     "InteractionType": {
        "name": "Type of Interaction",
        "display_name": "Type",
        "group_name": "Interactions",
        "visible": true,
    "DateModifiedOn": {
        "name": "Date of modification",
        "data_type": "datetime",
        "input_format_string": "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M",
        "output_format_string": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",
        "format_instr": "YYYY-MM-DD",
        "visible": true
    "Notes": {
        "name": "Notes",
        "pivotal_group": "Members",
        "delimiter": ";"
        "visible": false,
    "InternalAttendees": {
        "name": "Attendees",
        "group_name": "Interactions"
        "pivotal_group": "Members",
        "delimiter": ";"
        "visible": true
    "NoAttendees": {
        "name": "Number of Attendees",
        "data_type": "int",
        "visible": true

    "comments": {
        "name": "Interaction comments",
        "display_name": "Comment",
        "data_type": "string",
        "visible": true,
    "EntittledUsers": {
        "name": "Users",
        "auth": true
        "auth_value_mandatory": true,
        "import": false


The output in Squirrro:

And the created facets:


And finally the contents of the log file, log.txt:

Code Block
2016-03-08 15:43:28,198[12609] INFO     Starting process (version 0.3.18).
2016-03-08 15:43:28,206[12609] INFO     Add module to path
2016-03-08 15:43:28,206[12609] INFO     Start load from database
2016-03-08 15:43:28,825 sources.database INFO     Execute initial load (full) for incremental processing
2016-03-08 15:43:32,319[12609] INFO     Start loading/deleting into/from Squirro 4 rows with 2 parallel executors
2016-03-08 15:43:33,072[12609] WARNING  One of the fields "link", "id" or "summary" is missing for "3" items
2016-03-08 15:43:33,075[12609] INFO     Intermediate number of rows loaded to Squirro: 3
2016-03-08 15:43:33,197[12609] WARNING  One of the fields "link", "id" or "summary" is missing for "1" items
2016-03-08 15:43:33,200[12609] INFO     Intermediate number of rows loaded to Squirro: 4
2016-03-08 15:43:33,238[12609] INFO     Total rows loaded to Squirro: 4
2016-03-08 15:43:33,240[12609] INFO     Last incremental value loaded to Squirro: 2015-04-28T16:58:00
2016-03-08 15:43:33,302[12609] INFO     Total run time: 0:00:05.108269

