Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: add note on facet names containing spaces


squirr*Search documents that contain e.g. for squirro and squirrel.
*emonicSearch documents that contain e.g. for memonic and mnemonic.
te?tSearch documents that contain e.g. for test and text.
name:*Search documents that have e.g. the field "name" 1
-name:*Search documents that do not have e.g. the field "name" 1
name:squir*Search documents that contain the "name" field started by "squir", e.g. name:squirro and name:squirrel. 1

1 Note that facet names containing spaces need to be put inside quotes in queries

Field Search

Only search in specific fields


Country:FranceSearch documents that have a facet named Country with a value France
Country:"United Kingdom"Search documents that have a facet named Country with a value United Kingdom
"Mixed Sentiment":Yes 1Search document that have a facet named Mixed Sentiment with a value Yes

 1 Note that facet names containing spaces need to be put inside quotes in queries


You can use the following query syntax to sort the result:
