// generic definitions SET ThousandSep=','; SET DecimalSep='.'; SET MoneyThousandSep=','; SET MoneyDecimalSep='.'; SET MoneyFormat='£#,##0.00;-£#,##0.00'; SET TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss'; SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD'; SET TimestampFormat='YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fff]'; SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec'; SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun'; SET HidePrefix = '_'; SET ErrorMode = 2; // default SmartFilter NoiseLevel variable 0.4 // applies if no dynamic slider is incorporated in the Dashboard SET vThreshold = '0.4'; // In the case of using the QlikView loading engine to feed Squirro with new data // input / output data files will be used to export data into a Squirro readable format // and import it from this file LET vDataSource = 'DataSources\'; LET vInTickets = '$(vDataSource)tickets\bugzilla.csv'; LET vOutTickets = '$(vDataSource)output\squirro.csv'; LET vOutFingerprintScores = '$(vDataSource)fingerprints\squirro.csv'; // Export is done via the Qlik "STORE" command (see 02_data.txt) // ignore https://squirro.com LET vCluster = if (vSquirroCluster = 'https://squirro.com', '', '--cluster $(vSquirroCluster)'); // Use the bulk loader executable for importing data into Squirro LET vSquirroBulkLoader = 'squirro_bulk_loader $(vCluster) -t $(vSquirroToken) $(vLogSettings)bulk.log --project-id $(vSquirroProjectID) $(vMapSettings) $(vTimestampParsing) $(vKeywordSettings) --infile $(vOutTickets) --reset csv'; // Use the bulk scorer executable for exporting SmartFilter scores from Squirro in order to load them into Qlik. This only applies if Qlik data has a foreign key (external_id) in Squirro. // Each Squirro item has a rating per SmartFilter and applicable NoiseLevel which is then loaded into a Qlik table(see 03_squirro.txt). This allows to show relevant Squirro items in QlikView // according to the choice made in the dashboard (connected by a Qlik "ID" field matching the "external_id" field in the Squirro item). LET vSquirroBulkScorer = 'squirro_bulk_scorer $(vCluster) -t $(vSquirroToken) $(vLogSettings)score.log --project-id $(vSquirroProjectID) --fingerprint-tags $(vScorerFingerprintTags) --out-file $(vOutFingerprintScores)'; // bulk loader / bulk scorer command-line options // * use a log file on disk // * default item mapping // * date / time parsing of ISO 8601 format // * data classification according to structured data attributes // * fingerprints which are tagged with the label "apache" LET vLogSettings = '-v --log-file $(vDataSource)'; // it is important to specify how the data exported from Qlik maps to Squirro items in order to know the foreign key. // (Note: In other cases where data is not loaded into Squirro via QlikView (e.g. web sources) a foreign key may be missing // which would result in limited dependency/interaction of the Squirro data inside the Qlik dashboard) LET vMapSettings = '--map-id id --map-link link --map-created-at ts --map-title title --map-body body'; LET vTimestampParsing = '--created-at-format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss'; LET vKeywordSettings = '--map-keyword status GeneralStatus classification resolution priority severity GeneralSeverity'; // When bulk exporting fingerprint scores from Squirro in order to load them into Qlik a tag can be specified which determines // which of the existing smart filters should be considered. A Squirro project may have a long list of SmartFilters but only some // may apply for being used in QlikView - this is the way to separate those. // Note: the tags must be set on the Squirro side LET vScorerFingerprintTags = 'apache'; // General Squirro connectivity settings (typically one Squirro project) // If several Squirro projects are used in the dashboard specify specify all of them in a readable and usable manner LET vSquirroProjectID = '7sJQVzBdSECah5_ONGtvvg'; LET vSquirroCluster = ''; LET vSquirroToken = '22ce6730d601a705589e637d878355037ddf9b209b12cef5d4abaf457bd5032fdc97f981d4b315d07bbd0c26077d312a4b0030eddb924430718ec4e65d33971f';